Before you start writing a song, you have to know the reason for writing that song. Once you figure out this deep core reason (what I call the "inner why"), you will have a strong purpose to go out there and make song over and over again without feeling like you are wasting your time. Your inner why (your purpose) is very important to help you stay motivated from start to finish. Writing songs can be a frustrating task for some people but once you figure out your core reason, that will be a strong motivator that will fuel you to go forward every single day. So before you try to look for some formula for song writing, it is MORE important to figure out your CORE reason for writing songs. What is it that motivates you? It can't just be a superficial answer. Instead, you have to dig down deep inside yourself to figure out your deepest core reason. That will be your "inner why". Many of the great song writers have great techniques and formulas but one thing they have in common is that they know their inner why for writing songs. That core reason drives them to succeed over and over again. That is why I emphasize that it is VERY important for you to figure it out starting today. One of the best ways to improve your song writing skills is to focus on improving yourself. Yes, that's correct. While most musicians only want to focus on the technical side of song writing, it is as important to focus on improving yourself as well. Knowing yourself is VERY important because the more you know yourself, the more powerful your song writing will become. The more you know yourself, your message will be crystal clear. In addition, your listeners will sense the power of your songs because it will be congruent from the inside out.