Some substitutes to meet these vocal payoffs:

Find out how to balance breath support and breath control.

Maximizing the size of the "vocal channel" while eliminating over-blowing air against vocal cords.

Learn to set-up and follow-through to make high notes as strain-free as middle notes.

Use the right posture for hitting low notes.

Learn how to use your hands to help you sustain a long note smoothly.

Learn how you can balance breath, open throat and communication to have surgically-precise pitch with perfect tone color to match the emotion.

Discover how to mix a good middle voice instead of straining, pushing chest voice as high as it will go.

When in the vocal booth translate the word "more" into "richer".

Find out how to incorporate your face, hands, legs- your whole being- into communicating passion that moves the heart, but does not strain the voice.

Get your speaking voice assessed- every time you speak, you practice vocal technique.

My suggestion: if you need to make payoffs like this, get some vocal training. There are many ways to train, such as getting free lessons from reading blogs like this, investing in wise vocal training products, taking personal lessons from a coach you trust, or a combination of strategies.

Bottom line:
To change bad vocal habits, you have to learn new ones that actually meet your payoffs even better. Or you WON'T change. Practice solutions for real and lasting vocal goal payoffs until they are habits - instead of letting counter-productive strategies drive vocal payoffs into foreclosure!

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