Have you heard of the vocal term the mixed voice before? It’s a really important technique to learn. And I feel that it’s most likely the number one thing that all singers should work on developing.
Why is number one?
Well, when you develop a strong mixed voice, good things happen! Firstly, a strong mixed register is the key to hitting high, powerful notes. Also, singing in your mixed voice takes the strain off your voice. It removes vocal tension.
Your mixed voice also sounds wonderful, because what you are doing here is blending your other two vocal registers together. You see, you have your chest voice, this is the register that you hit your lower notes in.
And right up the top of your vocal range you have your head voice. This is the vocal register you hit your highest notes in. Both of these vocal registers have a different sound character. Your chest voice is more powerful and very thick. On the other hand your head voice is much sweeter, but less powerful.
When you develop a strong mixed register, you are basically using all the good bits from these other registers. Your mixed voice has the power of chest voice, with the sweetness of your head voice.