1. A key point here is that harmonizing is intuitive. If you were to sing karaoke to a song, you might actually be singing at a slightly different pitch (in the same key) than the written vocal melody. You are in effect harmonizing to the original note without realizing it. Also, the phrasing of music, chord and/or lyric progression also dictates you may not stick maintain the gap between notes and 'phrases'. Sometimes, you may match the lead note to make transitions or to finish the verse or chorus. 2. You must practice to get this right. It may take a while, but you will get it with practice, and you will have a ton of fun. 3. Match up the notes before trying to harmonize. For example, if you match up 'doh' and 'soh' it will sound nice. Find out what notes will sound nice with what notes, then find out what are the notes you have in your song and match them up! 4. If you are harmonizing, don't overpower the singer doing the main melody, either by volume or power. Soften the notes, even for a rock song, even if the roles somehow got confused. 5. It will help if you or a friend can play notes on a piano. You can hear how different note combinations (chords) sound together. It's much easier to learn the basics of harmony by hearing the notes played on a piano and matching one of them. Then start to sing along to the piano, and then move on to singing harmony with another singer. 6. Singing an entire octave above or below the note is not harmonizing; that is unison. 7. Traditional two-part harmony is a third or fourth above and below the lead vocal melody. To those of you not familiar with that terminology, that means just a LITTLE bit higher than the original. Or as Julie Andrews taught us: If I was singing 'do', then your harmonizing note is 'mi', or 'la' or 'so'. 8. Don't over think this. Don't think of the exact notes that you are supposed to sing, if you are knowledgeable of scale theory. This is all by ear. Ear first, thoughts second. 9. Try singing to a karaoke song at a slightly higher or lower pitch. Vocals in a song may confuse your attempt at harmonizing because you will want to make your pitch identical to the lead singing voice. But the leading voice can change, even for a duet, which is a great way to hear how harmonizing is done. Karaoke removes that distraction. 10. Besides the major chords, there are also minor chords, diminished and augmented chords, but that's not for introductions to music or harmony. 11. Have fun the pressures of performing are hard enough. If u are well practiced and have performed your notes well at practices you will do fine. If you find your self struggling with the same note you might need to make adjustment's to your harmony or wait longer before a performance.

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