TONE QUALITY WHEN YOU SING (Important for Choir Situation)

When you sing, your sound moves up through your throat… your mouth… and your nasal cavity. The way in which this happens, causes the tone quality that you hear. You can think of these three cavities like tone controls. Your throat and mouth contain the power and depth. While your head resonance controls the sweetness and rich quality in your tone. To sing in a choir situation, you must learn to sing with more head resonance which will give you that sweet, angelic tone that you’re after. Here’s a tip for doing this: To see what it feels like to use more head resonance, try this little exercise. Take a CD out of your song collection, and sing a song all the way through. But instead of singing the words, use an “Ooooouuuuu” sound. What does this do? It automatically redirects your tone so more sound resonates in your head cavity. This will cause your voice to have a sweet, angelic tone quality, this is vital to singing in a choir situation.

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